
Bail yourself out with an Unlimited® 401k

With trillions of dollars going to bailing out failing corporations, who's going to save you? Take a look around... you'll probably have to save yourself. Rollover your IRA or 401k funds into an unrestricted account to open a world of possibilities without triggering any taxes. Here are some … [Read more...] about Bail yourself out with an Unlimited® 401k

Turn Doom & Gloom into Personal Boom

There are 3 economies to pay attention to: Your Personal Economy. This is the one that really matters. The life you will share with your family and friends will be directly impacted by your finances. The People's Economy. This is the wealth of communities of people. You could look at it in terms … [Read more...] about Turn Doom & Gloom into Personal Boom

Weak economy strengthens the incentive for a Solo 401k

This is quite a simple concept so this post will be very brief. Our weak economy has brought very high inflation: currently 13% per year. Future dollars are worth much less than dollars today. With a Solo 401k you can make tax-deductible contributions to your retirement plan in today's dollars … [Read more...] about Weak economy strengthens the incentive for a Solo 401k

Asset-based thinking in the real economy

I'm reposting some of my thoughts from a blog comment discussion from last week. I agree with the perspective that our currency should go back to being pegged to gold. This would force individuals, corporations, and governments to play by the same rules of economics. The side effect is that we … [Read more...] about Asset-based thinking in the real economy

How to vote against the bailout

Don't call or write your Senator or representative Don't sign any petitions online Don't join a consumer advocacy organization Our government is not one for the people anymore, and we must oppose the bailing out of failing, irresponsible, fraudulent corporations. Reasons to vote against the … [Read more...] about How to vote against the bailout

Our free(ish) market becomes less free with the ban of short selling

A couple of weeks ago, the SEC illegalized a type of investing that makes a market what it is - short selling. Simply put, a person can bet on the market going up by "going long" and buying securities in hopes of selling them for a higher price at a later date. Long positions can be leveraged by … [Read more...] about Our free(ish) market becomes less free with the ban of short selling

Who will bail out the government?

Although the House rejected the recent $700 billion bailout, there is plenty of bailing out that has already happened, and there is more to come. Already: $80 billion injected into failed AIG IndyMac bank taken over by FDIC Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch for $50 billion - 70% over its … [Read more...] about Who will bail out the government?

Is this the bottom? How to recover your stock market losses

This question is on the minds of millions of Americans. I know exactly how to recover your losses: get out of the U.S. stock market and recoup your losses elsewhere. S&P 500 loses 28% in one year The sales pitch of securities salesman is that the stock market goes up around 8% or 9% per year … [Read more...] about Is this the bottom? How to recover your stock market losses