bail out

Deciphering the Bank Stress Tests

Here are a couple highlights for a recent post over at Daily Reckoning regarding the bank stress test results. Banks need about $75 billion to reach "adequate capitalization" "Adequate capitalization" is when common equity equals 4% Common equity being at 4% means a debt-to-equity ratio of … [Read more...] about Deciphering the Bank Stress Tests

Microwavable economic epiphany for the lazy or ADD

I've written several times about what I believe is one of the most important films ever produced: I.O.U.S.A. The film is 80 minutes long and came out in August of 2008. It's a project of the former Comptroller General of the United States (our government's chief accountant). He resigned to make this … [Read more...] about Microwavable economic epiphany for the lazy or ADD

Could Obama's Stimulus Really Work?

Our economy is 70% consumerism. That means it is mostly based on individuals buying stuff. So the current setup of our economy holds two basic facts: Individuals buying more stuff than they can afford to buy (based on their income) has a net effect that is good for the economy. When individuals … [Read more...] about Could Obama's Stimulus Really Work?

How to vote against the bailout

Don't call or write your Senator or representative Don't sign any petitions online Don't join a consumer advocacy organization Our government is not one for the people anymore, and we must oppose the bailing out of failing, irresponsible, fraudulent corporations. Reasons to vote against the … [Read more...] about How to vote against the bailout

Our free(ish) market becomes less free with the ban of short selling

A couple of weeks ago, the SEC illegalized a type of investing that makes a market what it is - short selling. Simply put, a person can bet on the market going up by "going long" and buying securities in hopes of selling them for a higher price at a later date. Long positions can be leveraged by … [Read more...] about Our free(ish) market becomes less free with the ban of short selling

Who will bail out the government?

Although the House rejected the recent $700 billion bailout, there is plenty of bailing out that has already happened, and there is more to come. Already: $80 billion injected into failed AIG IndyMac bank taken over by FDIC Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch for $50 billion - 70% over its … [Read more...] about Who will bail out the government?