I’ve written several times about what I believe is one of the most important films ever produced: I.O.U.S.A. The film is 80 minutes long and came out in August of 2008. It’s a project of the former Comptroller General of the United States (our government’s chief accountant). He resigned to make this movie to warn our country about the coming financial train wreck of the government.
A few months ago, I linked you to a shorter, free 30 minute version available on YouTube. If you haven’t taken the time to watch the 30 minute or 80 minute version, then here’s the 2 minute, 24 second version;
^— The hidden track record of U.S. deficits as told by the U.S. government’s chief accountant!
^– If you can watch this video and not feel the need to do something, then something is wrong with you :-O
^– This outlines the PRE-BAILOUT/STIMULUS unfunded government promises.
^– The forecast of future debt-to-GDP ratios
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