Our publicist has done a great job getting the word out about Self-Directed IRAs, and my various writings and products related to independence, economics, investing, and freedom. But, alas, the time has come to replace our publicist. So here's what we're looking for: Very freedom/liberty-oriented … [Read more...] about Hiring new liberty-oriented PR specialist immediately!
How you just lost money in a stock market that's up 40%
Headlines abound, the stock market is up 40% from its March lows!!! Let's all celebrate. Those who spoke badly of Obama, Bernanke, and Geithner have their foots in their mouths, right? Not even close. These types of misleading headlines are the very weaponry of a financial system that tricks you, … [Read more...] about How you just lost money in a stock market that's up 40%
The Fragility of a Consumer Economy
When an economy is based on healthy, sustainable activity with a balance of production and consumption, the type of depression we are in can't happen. In our consumption-based economy, on the other hand, nothing can "stimulate" things back on track. This is because the track we were on is … [Read more...] about The Fragility of a Consumer Economy
A No Nonsense Guide To Investing For Liberty Lovers
The Liberty Maven blog just posted a review of my book, 5 Steps To Freedom: How to Cut Your Dependence on Institutions and Escape Financial Slavery. Here's an excerpt: One of the key ingredients in attaining some semblance of freedom is to become financially independent. A new book, “5 Steps To … [Read more...] about A No Nonsense Guide To Investing For Liberty Lovers
Investment Opportunities
When listening to feedback from Nabers Group clients, one message is loud and clear, "We want to see investment opportunities from you." I sent out a survey to all of my clients recently, and I'd love your input too. With my activities in many circles, I have access to mounds of solid investment … [Read more...] about Investment Opportunities
FreedomFest in Las Vegas
I just recently returned from FreedomFest in Las Vegas, a conference attended by proponents of individual freedom, personal responsibility, smaller government, and sound money. I was part of a discussion panel called "Alternatives to Wall Street" and keynote speakers included Ron Paul, Steve Forbes, … [Read more...] about FreedomFest in Las Vegas
5 Steps To Freedom: How to Cut Your Dependence on Institutions and Escape Financial Slavery
Finally, it's here! Amazon won't have it in stock for another 2 to 4 weeks, but you can use the buy now button above to order the book and I'll ship it directly to you immediately. (If you've already ordered one, it's going out to you today.) If you're reading my blog, I assume you want to take … [Read more...] about 5 Steps To Freedom: How to Cut Your Dependence on Institutions and Escape Financial Slavery
The Most Important Financial Question You Must Ask
What is inflation? I believe this is the most important financial question a person can ask. I am constantly on a trek to better understand money and wealth. Here is some of what I've learned thus far: Per its original meaning: Inflation is not a rise in prices Inflation is a rise in the money … [Read more...] about The Most Important Financial Question You Must Ask