
I.O.U.S.A – Former U.S. Controller warns country's finances are unsustainable

This week I attended a special viewing of a new documentary, I.O.U.S.A. This film substantiates the concerns that our country's government and citizens are going broke. One of the main authorities featured is David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General. Other notables include Warren Buffett (CEO … [Read more...] about I.O.U.S.A – Former U.S. Controller warns country's finances are unsustainable

How the little guy can profit from $4 gas

It's everywhere: GAS PRICES! ENERGY CRISIS! However, this blog post is different. Turn on the tube to CNN and hear about how "We're trying very hard to find a viable source of alternative energy to reduce our dependency on oil." Personally, you can simply buy an electric car (right now). Those … [Read more...] about How the little guy can profit from $4 gas

Consumer confidence falling & the $600 checks to save the day

Did you get your $600 check yet? What will you do with it? Surveys are saying that most Americans will use their "Economic Stimulus" check to deal with gas, food, and catching up on bills. This doesn't stimulate the economy. Consumer spending stimulates the economy. In other words, the Department … [Read more...] about Consumer confidence falling & the $600 checks to save the day