When you form an LLC (or Corporation), it is registered and created at the state level. You can choose to form an LLC in any state, regardless of your state of residency. Nexus When you have business activity that clearly occurs in a specific state, you are said to have "nexus" in that state. If … [Read more...] about Where to form your LLC for virtual or foreign business activities
limited liability company
Entity (LLC) Maintenance – Keeping your Corporation or LLC Legitimate
****** A note from Jeff Nabers ****** I asked attorney Dan Marsh to shed a bit of light on entity maintenance and its importance. With a general purpose LLC, failing to properly maintain the entity can result in "piercing the veil" which means subjecting creditors to assets of the LLC owner(s). … [Read more...] about Entity (LLC) Maintenance – Keeping your Corporation or LLC Legitimate
Asset Protection: Multiple LLCs
LLC stands for limited liability company, and that is the primary purpose for forming such a legal entity. When you enter into a business transaction as an individual (aka sole proprietor), if somebody decides to sue you, all of your personal assets can be subjected to satisfying the law suit. The … [Read more...] about Asset Protection: Multiple LLCs
What's so special about the IRA LLC?
Ahhh... the single most mis-answered question in the self directed IRA world: Customer: I've noticed it costs more to setup an IRA LLC than it does a general purpose LLC. What's so special about the IRA LLC? LLC Facilitator: The Operating Agreement has special language. Putting together an IRA LLC … [Read more...] about What's so special about the IRA LLC?